SKU: P3228

Suchard Rocher au chocolat au noir x 7 | 245g

2 reviews
Ingrédients :
Sucre, pâte de cacao, praliné 22% (NOISETTES, sucre), graisses végétales (palme, karité), beurre de cacao, éclats de NOISETTES (3.5%), BEURRE concentré, poudre de LAIT écrémé, lactosérum en poudre (de LAIT), émulsifiants (lécithine de SOJA, lécithine de tournesol, E476), arômes.PEUT CONTENIR AUTRES FRUITS A COQUE ET BLÉ.
Price: £ 8,32
Nombre de produits:
Successfully added

This product can be shipped anywhere in the UK. We use special packaging to ensure all products are kept chilled and within the required temperature whilst in transit. All our chilled parcels are delivered with Express 24 courier service. You will be notified 1-hour delivery slot once the parcel leaves our warehouse. Our Customer service is always ready to deal with any inquiries you may have.

anonymous user
17 janvier 2022 08:03
Formerly only found in France, delighted to discover them in UK and be able to share with friends.
anonymous user
5 mai 2021 10:40
These are scrummy.